Regular schedule for powerful christian life...

How can be a christian life so powerful, good or according to the will of Lord Jesus?
With a consecutive attack of devil in my life, visiting lots of man and woman of God, spiritual meetings and churches, i have found zero solution. I am writing this schedule or time table which i followed by the revelation i have received by the Holy Spirit and today by the power of Almighty i am flowing in anointing and power of Holy Spirit without any doubt.
                              After receiving the Holy Spirit i am not delivered completely, Holy Spirit taught me something very simple and powerful which no body believes easily. Holy Spirit indicated me this verse which no body believes easily that this verse has tremendous power, people are only busy in doing man and woman of God, healing and prophecy or whatever coming in TV or internet.
Matthew 6:6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
The above verse is taught by Holy Spirit to me, when i done it just one day and i found it a power packed thing. OMG what a awesome experience since than it becomes by regular schedule and now too i am following the same pattern. I have taught many this same some has accepted and felt it is really powerful, some didn't believe it because they believe its so simple and will not work. Some are busy in pampering man and woman of God and their anointing which is a kind of ditch that people don't know. Thanks to Jesus who has given me this power revelation and i am in powerful anointing ministry. Here i love to share the easy schedule to be in Jesus and His powerful presence, all things should be done in [PRIVATE] room or place

Morning - 5 am praying in tongues for one hour, 8 am Bible Study, 20 - 30 min, 8.30 am praying in mother tongue at least 20 - 30 min.

Afternoon - Read the Word and again pray in mother tongue.

Evening - 8 pm family prayer and short personal prayer before going to bed.

Every Friday - Fasting from morning to evening.

Every Sunday - Church or Spiritual gathering (optional).

God bless you all. Praise the Lord.

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