This is not a rare question if we do survey with our own way. We will find there are many in the Que who accepted Lord Jesus lonely as their personal savior. Jesus loves it when we accept him as our personal savior because to accept Lord Jesus is to accept Life, a never ending life. But this is not enough to accept Lord Jesus, it requires a depth knowledge to face devil and to grow in Jesus. If we have no knowledge and idea about the work of Jesus and the work of devil simultaneously, our family members will never come to Lord Jesus and we will wander here and there without solution and with the question of what to do now?

Problems comes after acceptance Lord Jesus:
. Disturbed prayer life
. Lack of understanding of Word of God
. No knowledge about Holy Spirit work and methods
. Lack of the cooperation of family members
. Listening taunt all the time
. Questions like why Jesus is not doing this and that in your life
. Confused brain
. Temptation of committing sin
. No blessings
. No deliverance or no idea of receiving deliverance
. Secret attack of devil and no idea and knowledge about it
. No breakthrough
. No joy
. No peace
. Nothing working in your life as you thought earlier

Question: What to do after acceptance of Lord Jesus as our personal savior?
. Receive the Holy Spirit is the first step by a man or woman of God by laying a hands upon you or in openly worship, but without Holy Spirit don't move forward because as a new candidate devil wants to destroy you whenever he gets a chance, although its not possible because God is watching us, but devil is not sleeping with sleeping pill, he will try to do whatever he wants to do so be careful and receive Holy Spirit.
. Read regularly Word of God at least 30 min, weather you understand it or not, always read the new testament not the old testament because when some one is new in Jesus they are confused by the devil so they don't know what to read from where, if you read the old testament you will more confused and its trick of devil. Read the new testament from Matthew 1: 18. Read one chapter or two chapters very slowly slowly so that you can understand well. Before reading a Word of God, a short prayer like Lord help me to understand your word well because i don't know anything. Holy Spirit will guide you then.
. Pray regularly at least 30 min, do worship like THANK YOU JESUS, THANK YOU JESUS, THANK YOU JESUS, many times as you can.
. Speak in tongues 1/2 an hour to many hours you can, when you speak in tongues you are actually talking to Lord Jesus. When you speak in tongues, Jesus reply in same speaking tongue process to your spirit but you don't know, your spirit knows it well and by this process you are getting your deliverance, breakthrough and blessings. What ever you have prayed in your mother tongue its answer comes in your spirit when you speak in tongues 
. Never heed to the taunt, turn your face and never reply.
. Never be a gloomy person, devil loves to see us like that and he attacks more at that time.
. Rejoice in the Lord always, weather there is trials or temptations.
. Joy of the Lord is our strength Nehemiah 8:10
. Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
. Waiting is powerful because when we wait we allow Lord Jesus to work in our life in full manner. Jesus check and do what is correct in that time so that devil will not stop you to grow in Jesus and to receive earthly blessings and breakthrough.
. God bless you all. Praise the Lord.

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