Mobile and spirituality...

In today's world and the invention of modern times and the gift of 21st century is cell phones. Cell phones has made our work, business easy and convenient. No doubt a wireless phone has done our work easy because it allows us to quick easy solution for any problems. Same as the invention of washing machine made our work easy which also saved our time. But after all hand washing is kind of exercise which helps our body, bones, muscles and improve blood circulation, but a machine can't help our body by any way and that is the fact we can't deny.
                                             Same as we start considering to mobile phones it makes our work easy but their is also side effects of it. Actually we are carrying devil inside our pocket which is very close to our heart. Devil means not only a spirit here, a mobile phones allows user to float in this world, it also help user to accept all the debris of dark world by just simple tapping the screen of mobile phones.
                                              What about the world of Christians and mobile phones? The Christian community is also affected by the mobile phones if we do survey on this. Small Children's addicted by cell phones, even school going children can not avoid the temptation of mobile phones. The love of the kids allows parents to buy mobile phone for them, and this is the beginning of next world. A world of lust and pornography, lustful chats session and wrong friends with wrong relations etc. If we talk about believers they are also tempted just like children, parents are also affected from it. Wife and husband keep their phone separately and even they don't know exactly what each others doing or hiding. So its a pitiable condition for believers. 

Pastors, Bishops, Apostle,Evangelist and Prophets are not untouched in this temptation. Even church members are also involved in this. Sin is taking place in great manner by this mobile phones mania. Satan only wants a simple click or tap from you and your spirituality dissolve. 
                                             Cell phones not only the matter here to think, there is also increased risk of social networking sites called Facebook, Whats App , Twitter and many more are there. These social networking sites force users to buy cell phones, that's why Children's and Adults all are affected. In a second you will connect to any part of the world, in a second you will develop a extramarital relationship, lustful relationship among Children's , we can do nothing if we are sleeping with this sleeping pill called cell phones.

Your loss
It disturb your spirituality.
It disturb your calling.
It steals your purity with God.
It diverts your mind and compel you to commit sin by watching wrong things.
It allows you to develop an illegal relationship.
It keeps you whole day busy.
It can also empty your bank account if you are doing mobile transaction.
You can feel headache all the day by using cell phones like chatting and watching.

You can win
Accepting the fact that cell phones are for Godly purpose.
By reading the word of God, especially about committing the sin.
Come closer to God.
Say sorry to Jesus.
At last you can visit a DELIVERANCE MINISTER for deliverance, because weather people know it or not, as a deliverance minister i know its a spirit of lust and distraction...

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