How your spirituality disturbs...

Meaning: A person with true faith and Holy Spirit inside of him/her confused or irritate by some means, methods, persons, friends, relatives and family members. Resulting in loss of hunger of Bible study and prayer. This attack is obvious by the devil indirectly. The most interesting thing is that a person with Holy Spirit keep on sinning but he/she don't understand because their mind is binded by the devil. 

Matthew 26:41
"Watch and pray so that you will not fall in to temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

James 1:15
Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sing is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Following are the way by which your spirituality disturbs:
1. When you murmur inside the church against the pastor.
2. When you keep complaining about the church scenario after the service is over.
3. When you borrow and lend money in congregation.
3. When you have talkative friends.
4. When you have sinful friends and you are pure.
5. When you forget to read the Word of Lord one day.
6. When you forget to pray one day as you do in daily routine.
7. When you not speak in tongues as every believer do it once a day.
8. When you drink alcohol.
9. When you watch pornography.
10. When you read the wrong kind of news paper , magazines etc which divert your mind from Jesus.
11. When you are full of lust and commit adultery.
12.  When you don't separate yourself for Jesus for Godly use.
13. Anger
14. Without patience
15. Arguments over small issues.
16. Fighting with family members, relatives and neighbors.
17. Not fully repent heart since accepting the Jesus Christ as your personal savior.
18. A person who never say sorry for his wrong doings and think like that he/she is always doing everything correct.
19. Speak lies in small quantity in daily manners.
20. Always try to make others small and inferior.
21. If we are not attending the church of Holy Spirit.
22. If we are busy in worldly things and pleasure.
23. When small arguments become elephant in our midst.
24. Without complete knowledge of Jesus Christ we are doing every things.
25. When we do not forgive others and anger and jealousy become enmity.
26. When you forget to give thanks to Jesus for everything.
27. When you keep on thinking about your past life.
28. Always try to think that you are nothing in this world.
29. Comparing with others.
30. Looking others happiness and blessings.
31. Impatience character.
32. Giving rooms to devil.
33. Not receiving deliverance.
34. Always put question mark to every Godly thing or work.
35. Not satisfied what you have.
36. Always feel insecurity.
37. Thinking like what happened tomorrow.
38. What we will eat tomorrow.
39. What happen to children about their carrier and marriage etc.
40. Future thinking, looking for prophecy all the time.
41. Not spending quite time with Jesus.
42. Forget to praise Lord Jesus.
43. Wandering for prophets and looking for prophecy all the time.
44. Looking and wishing for miracles all the time.
45. Not stable in Jesus and Word of God.
46. Feeling like witchcraft attack all the time.
47. Condemning the man and woman of God.
48. Cursing with mouth to others who are blessed and look happy.
49. Thinking more superior than others.
50. Unrepentant heart is barrier to your spirituality.  


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