How to prepare the sermon...

Meaning: When ever we go to preach the Word of God, there is sure some preparation is needed. Without preparation there is difficulty to preach the Gospel and the Word of the Lord, which also result in confusion and chaos to the congregation or mass.

How can i prepare the sermon in advance so that i can preach perfectly in front of peoples?
There is certain methods to prepare the sermon, let us see some of them.
1. Prayer - Prayer is the good source for every thing in our life, pray so that any body can receive revelation to what to preach in a upcoming meetings. Also by prayer you can receive the exactly verse you needed to preach there in public.

2. Fasting - Fasting is another powerful method to prepare the sermon, fasting enable you to preach boldly and correctly in public. Some man and woman of God flow in power by fasting.

3. You can also prepare your sermon for the peoples you are going to preach. What type of people and how can they understand easily the Word of God.

4. Preparation of sermon also need to read the Word of God again and again, especially i preach new testament so i read full new testament again and again. You can pick the verse from any others book, sermons or website but you know reading the Word of God with your own is must otherwise you will be confused.

5.  Preparation also enables us not to mimic others because we are not allowed to be like men so God has made every one unique and different so the result is this our sermon and preaching style should also be different or our own Godly given.

6. Stop cheating while you prepare the sermon because some do picks only verses from between and they didn't read the Bible and chapters fully. Read full so you can preach fully with understanding.

7. Also remember preparing sermon is not school or college test preparation, in which you have to get hundred percent marks. Preaching sermon is a love of Jesus we spread through the Word of God and if we do this correctly, it changes the heart of the peoples and it also makes heaven rejoice.

8. Preparation of sermon is actually God work for this generation for the preparation of second coming of Jesus. Use your full heart while preparing the sermon and rejoice that we are doing the will of our Father, Abba, God and Jesus...


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