What to do in last days...

Meaning: According to Bible there is last time of everything on this planet called earth. We as a humans also face the end times and before the end of ourselves we need to keep our self correct in the eyes of Jesus. So that Jesus can take us to heaven where He prepared a home for us.

Question: What we need to do in last days?
Answers: We need to keep ourselves without spot, so that Jesus can take us to heaven.

Question: Why everybody talk about going heaven?
Answer: Our ultimate goal is to go to heaven, we are living here on this earth as a foreigner.

Bible verse: 2 Timothy 3:1 But know this, that in the last days perilous time will come.
Perilous means dangerous, there  is danger to maintain a pious life. If there is no pious life then we will not go to heaven as i have told earlier that our ultimate goal is going to heaven.

2 Timothy 3: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
In today time this all is happening , there is no need to prove it, every body dying to get rich, dying to get money, killing people to get money. Big talking in public with no results. Never believe in Holy Spirit and His power. Never respect the parents, never taking care of old parents, slapping and killing the parents. Never give thanks to God for His mighty work. Never try to live a pious life. Encouraging others to not to live in holy life etc.

2 Timothy 3: 3 Unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good.
Now a days there is no love in anybodies heart, busy in cheating others emotionally and physically. There is fight and there is forgiveness also but now a days there is no forgiveness every where hate and hatred. Uncontrolled fight and rape is the best examples of slanderers now a days, there is no self control, people are ruthless when there is question comes to help someone. Always there is like of bad things in life and there is no respect of God thing.  

2 Timothy 3:4 Traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.
Traitors are those who know God but don't want to live according to God. People are stubborn they don't want to listen about God. Proud feeling regarding good salary job, cars, money and home etc. Seeking of wrong kind of pleasure, wrong relationships, wrong connections, they don't love and respect anybody neither they love and respect God and His commandments.

2 Timothy 3: 5 Having a form of Godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
People are busy in talking about God but in actually they don't live accordingly to God, some don't believe in Holy Spirit but there name are Christian name. These peoples don't believe in the power of Holy Spirit, they are traditional Christian. We need to be careful about these type of name specialty Christian.

Carefully observing our life can save our life. So we can do the following things in last days to be with Jesus in heaven one day...
Bible reading
Speaking in tongues
Spiritual gatherings
Going church
Praying for others
Helping the believers and others as possible
Teaching the Word of God to others
Uplifting the others believers in their time of crises
Practicing our faith when ever possible
Always thankful to God
Love to others
Obeying God Word
Walking in the Word etc and many more good things are there....

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