The first step to break the cruel curses is to identify the cruel curses.
Following are the best examples of cruel curses by which you can easily understand your condition & scenario.
. Working hard but getting little results in return.
. Frequently getting sick without any reason.
. When same disease and sickness facing by you, which your past         generations, ancestors have received.
. People hate you without any reason.
. Addiction and anger which you have also recieved by past generations, ancestors etc.
. If there is doubt of some thing wrong but you cannot catch it, it means curse in operation.
. Lots of efforts but no progress.
. Punishment without offence.
. Strong feeling of sleeping come while meditating in the word of God.
. Sleeping between personal prayers.
. Sleeping while worshiping God in church & home.
. Don't want to listen Godly talks again and again, suddenly anger comes  and eyes become red.
. Eyes balls become big while singing, praying, deliverance time, when a man and woman of God lay hand.
. Quickly falling in ground after laying hand by man and woman of God, this is the trick to show that anointing is so heavy and evil spirit has come out, but in real its not come out.
. Laughing during worship without any reason.
. Vomitiong in prayer, worship, deliverance time.
. Broken marriages.
. Divorce many times.
. Fight between husband and wife.
. Childrens not obeying parents.
. Lack of love between relatives.
. Lie, theft, adultery are sign of devil wroking inside the body.
. Poverty.
. Attraction.
. Sexual disease.
. Sexual sin.
. Premature death in families, past relatives and ancestors.
. Gambling habit.
. Not respecting the ladies.
. Desire to kill himself/herself.
. Desire coming again and again to kill ourself.
. Desire to kill any body.
. No job, failure in interview, failure in busingess.
. Unsuccessful in every sphere of life.
. Staying naked in home.
. Pornography life style.
. Watching pornography.
. Masturbation
. Gay, lesbian, homosexual etc.
. Sex change practices.
. Legs become heavy before going to interview, job or any special work.
. Gold and cash stolen from bank locker.
. Suddenly money disappear from house.
. Suddenly important documents missing from home or any where.
. When no body loves you, no body wants to stay with you.
. Bad dreams, evil dreams, threat dreams, sexual dreams.
. Feeling of black shadow inside or out side the body or while sleeping the shadow coming upon you to press you etc.
. Sudden feeling of respiratory block while sleeping.
. When you see others copying your dreams and desires.
. Lack of interest in Godly things.
. Fear of Holy Spirit.
. Fear of failure.
. Feeling of what will happen again and again.
. Constant thinking about wrong kind of prophets, man of God and woman of God.
. Constant thinking about wrong Holy Spirit working inside the man and woman of God and in congretaion etc.
. Feeling like i have received wrong Holy spirit inspite of correct Holy Spirit.
. Deep thinking of any thing day and night.
. Spreading rumours, wrong gossip, hatered words from one person to another.
. Internet addiction.
. Drugs, alchol addiction.
. Double image of person like some time good some time like a theif and rapist.
. Adultery done by man and woman of God.
. Talking with uncontrolled tongues and manners.
. Habit of bulliying others.
. Feeling like ants running in body day and nigh and while sleeping.
. Killing attitude by any small arguments with anybody.
. When we are not feeling something is good, its the sign of devil work and witchcraft.


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