New Year Resolutions for me - 2019

New year resolutions means simply making a vow of something which you keep forever in life. It includes a permanent removal of bad, ungodly materials, behavior and habit from our life. It also include a vow to do something better or start something better in life for rest of life. The question comes in mind that every year resolutions were made and broken. How to make a resolutions and vows which we can keep for life long time. Is it really possible for christian mindset to make a vow and keep it long as we can. The answer might surprise you that is possible only in Jesus. Read this 1 Samuel 10:6 "The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man. This is really a fact which no body can ignore or reject. Holy Spirit is the person, when He comes upon any  one, any one can change forever, like i am. 

My advice for your Resolution is this: Receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior and believe that He died for your sin. Receive Holy Spirit in your life and live a life like a king size on this planet, no sickness, no poverty, no temptation, no betrayal nothing and nothing and all beloveds, but only in Christ. So receive Him big this year. Receive Holy Spirit now.

Following are the things you can change in this year - 2019:
No smoking
No drinking
Drugs of all kinds, injections, tablets and smells
Cheating your precious wife
Extra marital affairs
Any kind of illegal sex before marriage or after marriage
Unnatural sex 
Lust of the eyes
Lust of the flesh
Pride of life
Habit of taunting your husband or wife for not earning high, or not doing a job
Divorcing your wife or husbands
Cheating to others in office work or in home work.
Habit of jealousy from life forever
Cheating your owner in terms of money
Using social networking chatting between the church sermon
Tapping of mobile phones all the time in home, work, church or in prayer
Plotting against some one
Bully to someone
Fighting in home 
Ungodly things etc

Followings are the things which we can do this year - 2019:
Accepting Jesus as our personal savior, believing Him as He died for our sins.
Start reading the Word of God more and more.
Keep fast for Jesus, it gives inner godly strength.
Speaking in tongues, it helps in edification.
Tel others about Jesus and His sacrifice for ourselves. 
Helping others, specially poor peoples outside in streets and parks.
Doing fellowship with Holy Spirit and with family members, like family prayer etc.
Never sit in home idle when Sunday comes, going church every Sunday is a good habit and loving to God.
Helping those who are needy.
Never throw away your old clothes, always remember some one is needy, they need clothes, so give it to them.
Give foods to poor peoples, keep a piggy bank and keep some money in it and when it is full of money, use it for needy and poor people.
Learn a lesson from hard times in your life and keep on thinking how Jesus faced problems in life and became a winner for us.
Living a life clean and pure in front of Jesus.
Never to get in tension and depression in any situation as our God will provide all our needs.
Always keep trying to grow in Jesus, we all need to grow Spiritually in Jesus.
Always accept what is good for the humanity.
Accept which is Godly and loving to all.
Always love others, love is from God, its commandment of new testament.
Always keep on thanking to Lord Jesus for His sacrifice for us and always help people by keeping in mind the face and love and Word of Jesus.
Make a resolution which develops you and your family.
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.

Happy and blessed New Year...

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