How to use the Bible for daily guidance?

Meaning: How to read the Bible or Word of God for our life. How to use the Bible for our development of personal life. How can we receive guidance for our future purpose. How Bible help us in many ways. How we use the Bible, Word of God for guidance, direction, encouragement and upliftment? Many of us don't know that many peoples don't have Bible to read. Many can't keep the Bible for restrictions. Its really a sad thing to know that people don't have Bible. Many people have Bible but they don't know how to use it, how to read it. So problems for both the sides. May God gives us clear understanding for the Bible and its importance. 

Primary way: God speak to us by various ways like man of God, pastor, Word etc. God is not so deaf and dumb that he can't listen our prayer and request. He listen us but do we really know how? The primary way of God to speak to his beloved people is by his Word Bible. Many think that God didn't talk to us and keep on praying and praying and the fruit is zero, you are wrong beloved. God speak to us and the best method he use to his people is through Bible, Word of God, Word written inside the Bible, Verses written inside the Bible. By the Word of His mouth He created everything, you can see the book of Genesis for this. So how we come to conclusion that world is made up by God? Very simple answer is, its written inside the Bible. So we can say God told us or speak to us through His Word written inside the Bible. It means Bible is important for human beings to know God. Who is God? God is the maker of heaven, earth, trees, plants, sea, ocean, creatures inside the sea, birds, insects and animals. How we know this? After reading the Word of God. It means Bible is important beloved brother and sisters, then it is our duty to stick the Word of God. How do you know Jesus? Of course after reading the Word of God called Bible. Through Jesus we know God. Without knowing Jesus we can't reach to God directly. So its important to know Jesus right. So the major source of this revelation comes from where, from the Word of God and Bible. No human has power to stand and reveal about God without knowing the Bible and Word of God. John 14:6 Jesus said to him, ''I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through Me. We read this verse from Bible so we know the truth. Whatever written inside the Bible is the voice of the God. Its not human written agreement form. Its supernaturally written by Holy Spirit and we called it Word of God and Bible. Many scriptures there to prove that God speaks to his people through his Word written inside the Bible. Men fails in life because they do not read the Word of God so they don't know anything and fall down or backslide. Knowing God, Jesus and Holy Spirit accurately only possible by the Word of God or Bible. Bible and Word is voice of God. John 1:1 In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. So we know this by reading the verse in the Bible. Bible speaks it has voice because it is God. Word is God, we read and listen to it and take advice and direction from it.

Bible can be used to help and guide others: We understood that the Word of God is the voice of God so its guide and help too. After gaining the knowledge of the Bible and its importance we have a kind of duty or responsibility to lead others to Jesus by the Word of God called Bible. Yes its important and serious matter because we already know that every body has no Bible with them and so how will they know God. Speak the Word of God to others, tel the Word of God to nonbelievers, Guide the people who don't have Bible and help to those who are waiting for the Word of God to get a perfect direction. All these things possible if we take it seriously and tel others about Bible and God. So help others its needed now in end times. One soul is very precious to Lord God. When we bring and save one soul to Lord Jesus, there is joy in heaven among the angels. Its not the time to sit idle. Wasting of time is same as losing soul.

Daily help from Bible: Bible help us to grow in Jesus. It keeps us away form sins. It build faith inside of us for God. It gives us direction, Bible help us to know the Almighty God clearly and easily. It also help us to how to live in Jesus, what is salvation and how to sanctify us from our sins. There are many helps Bible do for us in our lives. We can say that Bible is our guide and encouragement, it help lot because Bible is the voice of God.

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