Honor your father and mother

Introduction: Exodus 20:12 "Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you. As we understand easily that what is the meaning of this verse. The will of the God is that we should respect and honor our father and mother or parents. Why respecting to father and mother, its very simple in eye of God, that they are the responsible person for birth and honor. Same applies to LORD God, who made us and now its our duty now to accept Him as Father and allow Him to live with us in a form of Holy Ghost. Don't misguide that how can we allow Him to live with us, after all He is God? Its nothing too hard to understand that now a days Holy Ghost as a from of God come and live with us and we cannot go and live with Him in heaven any time, instead of that we can allow the Spirit of God to come and live within us and this is the will of God.

Detail structure: The 5th commandment written by God and given to Moses upon the Mount Sinai. There are total 10 commandments and the 5th one we are discussing about. So what is the special about this 5th commandment. The 5th commandment tells us about respecting about father and mother. Many people don't know what does it mean to us they simple read the Bible in fashion and tradition and sleep well. The 5th commandment is about the father and mother of human beings but the revelation is that it speaks about the Abba, Father and God. Yes beloved people of God, i am here to guide you and give you the revelation about our God Almighty that God is not only a Male as we think. One day Holy Ghost reveal to me that He God has one side is of Female, so he loves like a Mother. For example Isaiah 49:15 "Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you. So here we can see God is revealing Himself to us as a loving Mother. He is our Mother also. Life is full of tension, worry, depression, sadness and many other things and if your physical Mother and Father long ago then whom will you go and put your head unto his or her shoulder? No human is perfect , they can console you for one or two times only because they are also human like us. We need to come to our original Fathe and Mother and He is God Almighty, what a joy to say that He died for us for our sins and now also ready to hug and kiss us, He is not meant for counting our wrong doings and sins. He the Father is ready to forgive us so come to Jesus today. Accept Him as beloved Father and Mother He is ready to love us and wants to come in our Spirit and life. 

Importance and benefits of 5th commandment: God is Almighty so he know all the things and that's why He given 5th commandment that when ever we feel lonely and rejected we can come to Him to receive all kinds of love and joy. This doesen't mean that we need to forget and reject our physical father and mother and try to impress Supernatural Father. When we love our physical father and mother God honor us and by this He come and live with us forever. So we can say that 5th commandment is good and important for us. God bless you all.


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