Full day with Jesus...

Introduction: After woke up from bed in the morning, what is next? Gives thanks to Jesus and decide your full day to be with Jesus and its good for us as a christian. Full day Jesus inside is amazing experience brothers and sisters. Start your day with Jesus in mind and heart is awesome.

What need to do: After awoke from bed give thanks and praise to Lord Jesus. Feel His presence there in your bed room, confess your sins and say sorry if you forget to tel it last night. Say a prayer like this Lord Jesus give me your wisdom so that i can live by your will and no pain and grief should come and touch me. Lord Jesus give me wisdom of your Word, i am truly weak Lord, help me Jesus. I give my future to your hand and i want to stay a life which please you. Amen You can also read one chapter or two lines, of the Word of God. This is literally a great to start a day brother and sister. Our loving God is waiting for to hear our prayers and words and He love it you know, He will respect you and guide you through out the day no doubt.
                                        After the prayer there is supernaturally Jesus will be in your mind, when you brush your teeth, take showers, a sweet sound of Jesus songs will fill you. What is this brother and sister? Yes really its Jesus mind and heart inside of you. Now where to worry for the things? No time for worries, laugh out loud. Taking breakfast pray again for thanksgiving. Office or work from home, your day start with Jesus Jesus and only Jesus. The habit of speaking in tongues is also a rich method to talk to your beloved Father and be in Jesus, any work you are doing keep slowly saying in tongues. Weather you are in office and home there is Jesus in your heart, i am sure beloved brother and sister you will keep in mind only Jesus and His Word what you have read in the morning. In the evening time after taking food, a small family prayer is good to be in continuous blessings and grace of Lord Jesus. At bed before sleeping we can take Bible and read at least two lines of Word of God. Bad dreams, haunted films in mind, poverty, sickness, finance, children's, kids, what will be out future, what will happen tomorrow? These things i am sure brethren never overpower in your life. 
                                                                        Plan your day with Jesus not alone, if we getting ideas of our own mind and heart, we will surely tempt by the devil. So kindly make a day with Jesus. Where there is Jesus there is no problem, worries and fear... 


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