Fruit cake for Christmas - 2017

Introduction: As we already know that the Christmas season is coming with lots of joys. The tradition of exchanging the fruit cakes is very high on demand, so every believer on the time of Christmas always think about the cakes and what kind of cakes are good for us and to distribute others. To exchange the cakes is a good sign to love others and spreading the birth message of our Lord Jesus Christ. There are various kind of cakes available in the market and its easily makes us confused. In India i have learned about a cake called fruit cake on the time of Christmas because i have seen from the childhood time that every believer make a Christmas fruit cake in advance for the desired number of people they want to distribute. Fruit cake is one that have a lots of dry fruits and they look very good to see and eat, and when Christmas is a cold season, it is very enjoyable to eat such cake in India. That is also very good and beneficial for the body, so all the people here make it very early to Christmas and even start sharing it, I spent my childhood in this way. I thought that why not to tell others what is that i have learned from childhood, may be it is beneficial to you too.

Following is the method: Condensed Milk 500 gm, warm water 50 ml, aerated soda 200 ml, flour 250 gm, sugar 100 gm, butter 150 gm, baking powder 1 tsp, soda bicarbonate 1 tsp, cinnamon 1/2 tsp, nutmeg 1/2 tsp, chopped dry fruits 200 gm, dry ginger 25 gm, rum 25 ml. For 15 servings, it will take 60 minutes to bake.

Heat sugar and water until it becomes brown and keep it separately. Now put together flour, baking powder, soda bicarbonate, cinnamon and nutmeg. Heat the pan with a light butter coating in it, mix condensed milk in it with aerated soda and brown syrup heated before. Now add all the dry fruits, ginger and rum in it. Mix it carefully. Put all the items in cake making utensil, put it in the oven until it baked. Remove from the oven and cool down the baked caked for desired time, then served as you like...


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